Hi everybody! 👋 I'm Emiliano and I'm happy to bring you together with a small but dedicated group of computer geeks this project, which makes us feel proud to finally have a space on the internet where we can express our passion for this sector. We never imagined that what started with interesting nightly discussions in which each one of us shared ideas and opinions about our favorite technological tools, would eventually take shape in this blog.
Through this platform, each of us from our approach and style have the opportunity to share what we have learned over the years in hardware and software topics to help with our knowledge to those who need it and, in that process, provide content with which our readers can understand in a simple and entertaining way topics within the Computer Science whose concepts or dynamics may be complex.
And, surely many enthusiasts of this sector one or more times will have happened to be stuck for days in a software/hardware computer problem until after many attempts, they manage to solve it not only feeling victorious, but also wanting to share their experience with people in their environment or in a forum. It’s that same feeling that we want to share with you through our content, hoping to give you the answers you’re looking for to your questions and thus contribute to expand your knowledge and be useful in your learning process.
Although our content is endowed with technical jargon, we take care to create it in a way that is easy to digest and process for any computer enthusiast. All of this attached to the motto that guides our blog: knowledge is priceless. Hence, everything we offer here is at the disposal of our readers completely free.
All this and more we’ll upload for you as we build a site with resources that meet the needs of those who have the desire to acquire knowledge and experience in the area of Computer Science.
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